Dev journal

Thoughts about modern computational labor

Day 3: Kinda naive development

I have decided, in addition to "kinda naive code", I will also follow a "kinda naive project management" approach. This means I'll just work on whatever I feel like. A horrific concept in the interconnected world of development.

Day 2 on slightly naive code

I still don't have any autocomplete plugins. I used to have auto-closers for tags, stuff that wrote my functions out for me and the whole DOM javascript lib. For some reason I'm still writing out getElementById like I'm 12 years old and DHTML is still a thing.

What is naive code?

I've been programming on and off since I was a kid. At some points in my career I've done it professionally and consistently. Nowadays however I just want to make something interactive. The thing is, my mind is full of conventions.

Hisense A9 review (August 2022)

The Hisense A9 is a black and white e-ink smartphone, and its main selling point is its fast refresh rate. On this e-ink smartphone, you can watch videos on Youtube without any lag - but the videos will look like a moving series of Xeroxed images.

Ten years in 📍remote🚧

I started my first remote job in April 2011 and have worked that way ever since. This post is about how I've communicated with my team and shipped product while sitting in my living room.